LSA offers our young children an educational experience that is highly responsive to individual student needs focusing on each individual child’s academic, social, and emotional well-being and growth. Now more than ever, it is critically important that we share the responsibility for keeping our community safe.
Our shared goal is to support this mission while prioritizing the safety and well-being of all.
While the health and safety of our community are always a priority, the COVID-19 global pandemic requires us to take additional actions to mitigate COVID-19 related risks to the health and safety of our entire community, including students, staff, our family members, and our caregivers. Our policies and our actions must be governed by a public health approach that focuses on the well-being and safety of the community as a whole.
By signing below, you commit to the following:
On a continuous and ongoing basis, exercise caution and care in engaging in off-campus activities, including wearing masks, physically distancing, handwashing, and following other appropriate safeguards including monitoring my and my family’s health on a continuous and ongoing basis.
Stay home if I, my child or anyone in my family has any symptoms of illness, feel sick, have a fever, or if potentially exposed to any individual who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or who has symptoms of COVID-19 after “close contact”. (“Close contact” per the CDC means contact within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from two days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, two days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.)
Complete required health screenings for my child/ren and submit
Comply with LSA’s mandatory health monitoring and assessment protocols as follows:
Allow my child/ren to have my child/ren’s temperature checked upon arrival at LSA and promptly take my child/ren home if my child/ren has a temperature in excess of 100.1 F at any time during the school day, or if other symptoms are observed (at any time during the day) indicating potential illness or infection.
Allow my child/ren to participate in periodic health checks, such as midday temperature checks, without prior notice to parents.
Cooperate with contact tracing inquiries within 24 hours by, among other things, responding to texts and calls from contact tracers and answering all questions about my and my child/ren’s contacts honestly and completely.
Comply with any request by Little Stars Academy’s administration or caretakers for my child/ren to stay home from campus and/or transition to blended or remote learning, in the sole and final discretion of LSA administration.
Notify LSA if I or my child/ren test positive for COVID-19 within 24 hours of receiving test results.
Notify LSA within 24 hours if I or my child/ren are exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If I or any member of my family tests positive for COVID-19, is exposed after close contact to a person who tests positive for COVID-19, is sick or has a fever, or otherwise is required to stay away from Burgundy campuses for health-related reasons, we (the entire household) will not return to campus until cleared to do so as set forth in the Illness Protocol. Adhere to other health and safety practices required by Burgundy, such as frequent hand-washing.
Educate my child/ren as to the importance of these protocols and reinforce regularly.
Complying with these new health and safety guidelines and protocols will require significant additional effort on the part of everyone involved – the daycare, faculty, staff, students, and families. This does not supersede any current Little Stars Academy policies on communicable or infectious diseases (e.g., fever, vomiting, strep throat, lice).
Failure to comply with this Social Contract and Little Stars Academy’s safety procedures will result in a temporary or permanent suspension from participating in LSA daily care and related activities and may also result in disciplinary action in accordance with Little Stars Academy’s disciplinary protocols.